Hidden Sculpture on Campus (2014)
Collabation With Artist Friend Jerome Parayno

Currently on Display
The location of the sculpture is tucked away in an inlet near the south entrance of the science wing at The University of Toronto, Scarbarough. There is a door to the left where many students enter which leads to the Meeting Place, Starbucks and Gallery 1265.
Access to the other side of the wall was gained through the Gallery 1265, where we temporarily removed the wall and put it back up.
The construction of the cellophane rectangles were pre-cut and placed on the inside of the glass in order to last as long as possible within campus. The cellophane does not stick to the wall, however it does stay in place, by clinging with the use of water and static electricity. A squeegee was run over the cellophane to eliminate any excess water or air bubbles. The final effect gave an unusual outline around each rectangle, which added depth and clearer visibility of the layered shapes. Random sizes of rectangles were placed in no particular way on the window in an abstract manner. The intent was to emulate a figure of some sort but the way in which each rectangle was placed on the window as a chance piece.